Sunday, 6 December 2015

What I don't like about Christmas

Christmas used to be, and possibly still is, my favourite time of the year.

However, there is one thing that bugs me.

I feel that people, especially those who are financially struggling, should NOT feel OBLIGED to give presents to their loved ones. Give only if you can and want to - don't give if it will cause you to suffer.

There are plenty of stories where people have borrowed money and accrued small debts just so they can give to those they love.

Of course, I am not heartless - I understand that we all want to give good things to those we love. It is a fantastic thing to give and we should where we can. We all want to show our generosity.

But what does this say about our society when someone who does not have the means feels "pressured" into giving during this festive season? I think we live in an overly materialistic society, and I very much include myself in that group. Perhaps we all have indirectly contributed to the state of affairs in which I have referred to above.

Christmas is a great time to spend with friends and family and to celebrate the life of Jesus.

If possible, people should not take it personally if they are not able to give - give if you can; but if you can't it's all good !!

I don't know how many times I have said this but this is all, of course, easier said than done.

Andre Lim

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