(The following story is very very loosely based on true events)
Washington White-Rabbit met up with his his long-time friend Betilda Blue-Bird.
The two were tossing up places to have dinner.
As usual, they couldn't make a decision.
"Where do you want to go? I'm easy."
said White-Rabbit.
"Well I'm easy as well, anywhere you want to go."
replied Blue-Bird.
(There is a brief silence as each digests the effect of what has just been said)
Finally Washington White-Rabbit, who was a bit more familiar with the area, said:
"So there's a good takeaway over there;
some restaurants on that side; and
if we really want to we can take a bit of a walk - a 15 minute walk in that direction - to find some other places.
Which one do you want?"
"All of them sound good, I don't mind."
(There is another pause)
"Well I'm really bad at making decisions so you choose!"
insisted White-Rabbit.
"So am I, how about you choose? I'm really easy you know, it doesn't matter where.
I don't mind anything."
"OK, how about the takeaway?"
"Yeah that's okay."
"Only okay? Do you like Chinese food? That restaurant looks decent -"
"-Or do you want to take a walk, maybe we should walk and look for something else."
"Yeah maybe we should."
(There is another pause)
"I don't know...You've known me for this long, you know I'm not good at making decisions."
moped Betilda.
White-Rabbbit sighed.
"I can't make decisions either. I honestly don't know what we should do."
Betilda also sighed.
"Yeah, I knew that too."
(The two stand there for about 5 minutes in complete silence. They both saw the elephant in the room.)
...how did we actually choose a place last time we met up?"
Betilda asked
"I can't remember. Maybe we flipped a coin?"
speculated Washington.
"Really? I thought we just started walking in a random direction until we reached a place."
"Oh? Then why don't we do that?"
(Betilda pauses)
"Because it means we have to ACTUALLY choose a direction to walk in."
"Yeah and how did we choose last time?!"
exclaimed a frustrated White-Rabbit
"We just randomly chose a direction."
said Betilda, matter-of-factly.
"That makes no sense.
How did we "randomly" choose a direction -
if we start walking towards the takeaway doesn't that mean we are choosing the takeaway?
If we walk towards the shops, we're going there.
If we walk away towards the other shops it means we want something else.
That's NOT random."
cried out Washington in desperation.
Washington was exasperated.
(Betilda pauses, sighs and then says to White-Rabbit:)
"You're right, last time we didn't randomly walk in a certain direction.
I think we just walked somewhere that we unconsciously decided to go, without us actually being aware that we chose that direction."
(Washington White-Rabbit paused to think about what Betilda Blue-Bird said)
"You know what's funny Betty?"
"I feel like I've been doing that my whole life.
Just subconsciously going with my instinct or going with the flow.
I don't know exactly whether I'll regret the direction I've taken..
..but at least in my subconscious mind I've decided to go somewhere."
"Tell me about it. That is how I feel everyday."
"Yeah I know, you're an old friend. We're the same, you and I."
(There is another long pause)
"I give up. I'm going home."
said a defeated Washington.
"Do you have food at home?"
"No, you know I don't keep food at home Betilda."
"What?! Won't you be hungry? And you're just going to leave me here?"
"Well it's not like I want to, I'm just so confused."
"Just pick something."
insisted Betilda Blue-Bird
"YOU pick something Betilda."
screamed Betilda Blue-Bird.
Washington White-Rabbit calms down and takes a minute to breathe.
"...I honestly don't know Betty. I'm sorry."
Betilda Blue-Bird sighs.
There is another long pause.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you. You're my good friend Washington."
"That's okay. I'm sorry for being so indecisive."
"Me too, it's also my fault for not choosing."
(There is another long period of silence)
"How about we pick something together?"
asked Betilda.
"How do we do that?"
"We'll just both start walking in the same direction."
"That's ridiculous. What if we both walk in different directions?"
sighed Betilda.
"This is getting crazy."
"I know."
admitted Betilda.
(There is another long pause)
"Alright I've had enough of this rubbish. This is going to be random.
You'll follow wherever I'll go?"
asked Washington White-Rabbit.
"Yeah, I'll follow you."
confirmed Betilda Blue-Bird.
"No questions?"
"None, I'll follow."
And with those words Washington White-Rabbit did an about-turn and started walking home.
Loyal Betilda kept her promise and followed him.
Even though they were too scared to say it out loud, both were thinking the same thing.
We'll starve, but at least we chose.